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Debbie Lessie - Board of Directors President 

I am currently the President of the Board of Directors here at BCSS. I became a board member of BCSS in 2017, serving as VP and Program chair from 2018-2020.  I grew up in Reading, graduated from Reading HS and attended Albright college and Millersville University.  I served on St. Gabriel’s preschool board and on the Daniel Boone HS Music Boosters as VP and as a middle school VP.    

I’m a “retired” stay-at home mom and have been happily married to my husband, Michael, for 40 years and we currently live in Douglassville. I have three grown children with spouses and two adorable grandchildren.

Becoming a breast cancer survivor in 2012 introduced me to BCSS via their comfort bag. Their programs, Pink Power Nights and Newly Diagnosed support group, showed me I wasn’t alone in my cancer journey and I met other sister survivors who I could talk to that have become lifelong friends. Volunteering at BCSS with staff and being on the board is a way for me to give back to breast cancer survivors, their families and friends with programs and events that can give them a direction on their breast cancer journey. Our mission is to provide hope, information and emotional support to every person affected by breast cancer. Everyone on our board, past and current, has been affected by breast cancer, personally or through someone they know. I am inspired by this board’s dedication, knowledge and commitment and cannot wait to see the results of their passion this year.

Fun Facts:
  • Something many people don't know about Debbie is she was a phlebotomist for a local lab in the 80's. She visited local nursing homes and even made house calls.
  • As a kid, when Debbie grew up, she wanted to be a paleontologist or an archeologist. She still loves fossils and ancient civilizations. 
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